Grazia Deledda
A year of events
Celebration of the 150th anniversary of the birth of Grazia Deledda

September 28, 2021
September 28, 2021
Launch event in Nuoro
The official opening of the Deleddian celebrations took place in the main hall of the Istituto Superiore Ciusa in the presence of the President of the Region, the institutional authorities and the Rectors of the island's universities, with the participation of journalists, writers and artists.
October 29, 2021
October 29, 2021
Senate of the Republic
Study conference in Rome, in the presence of the President Maria Elisabetta Casellati, the Minister of Culture Dario Franceschini, the President of the Region Christian Solinas, the Rectors of the island's universities, with the presence of journalists, artists and writers.
December 7, 2021
December 7, 2021
Press conference
Presentation of the spot 150 by Grazia Deledda
Meeting with the press, at the headquarters of the Sardinia Cagliari Foundation, for the national preview presentation of the commercial created by the creative Giorgio Pitzianti to celebrate the figure and work of the Nobel Prize for literature.Speeches by the President of the Regional Council Michele Pais, by the Extraordinary Commissioner of the Province of Nuoro Costantino Tidu and by the journalist Anthony Muroni, artistic director of the project “150 years of Grace. A woman of our times``.

December 10, 2021
December 10, 2021
The Regional Council of Sardinia celebrates Grazia Deledda
Celebratory day in Cagliari entitled``Remembrance of the Nobel Prize Grazia Deledda - The Woman who put no limits on Women`` in the presence of the President of the Chamber of Deputies Roberto Fico and the President of the Regional Council of Sardinia Michele Pais. Present were regional institutions, civil and military authorities, journalists, academics, artists and writers.
June 2022
June 2022
International events
Grazia Deledda will make a stop in the Arabian Peninsula and the destination identified is the city of Doha, the capital of Qatar and one of the most important centers in the Gulf area. Sardinia and the artistic work of Grazia Deledda will be promoted as part of the Hospitality Qatar 2022 event scheduled in Doha from 6 to 9 June 2022, an annual international event.During the days of the event, it is expected:
• the creation and preparation of an exhibition space dedicated to Sardinia within the Destination Pavillion (venue of the event), with a specific focus on the territory of the Province of Nuoro;
• the organization and implementation of a cultural event / conference dedicated to the author.

Creation of an audiovisual document that tells the life and extraordinary artistic production of Grazia Deledda. The work will be broadcast on ItsART, the new Italian digital platform dedicated to art, whose contents can be enjoyed live and on-demand, in Italy and abroad.
International events
• a scientific conference at Columbia University, in collaboration with the Italian Academy for Advanced Studies;
• a scientific conference at the Italian Cultural Institute in New York, in the presence of the Consul General of Italy in New York;
• an institutional dinner at a restaurant specializing in Sardinian cuisine;
• a final event, dedicated to the presentation of the Grazia Deledda di Galtellì Literary Park, in the presence of Stanislao de Marsanich, president of the I Parchi Letterari® network, as well as the presentation of the audio-telling path ``Le parole di Grazia``, the experimentation carried out with Alexa.
Realization of a series of events in the United States with the aim of promoting the figure, works and artistic legacy of Grazia Deledda at an international level. Through the collaboration with the Italian Academy for Advanced Studies of Columbia University, it is foreseen the realization of a review of initiatives and events that will be aimed at promoting the artistic and literary heritage of Deledda and the role of her and her figure as contemporary woman. With this objective, the following will be realized:• a scientific conference at Columbia University, in collaboration with the Italian Academy for Advanced Studies;
• a scientific conference at the Italian Cultural Institute in New York, in the presence of the Consul General of Italy in New York;
• an institutional dinner at a restaurant specializing in Sardinian cuisine;
• a final event, dedicated to the presentation of the Grazia Deledda di Galtellì Literary Park, in the presence of Stanislao de Marsanich, president of the I Parchi Letterari® network, as well as the presentation of the audio-telling path ``Le parole di Grazia``, the experimentation carried out with Alexa.

Cagliari, Rome and Milan
Theathral al Show
Production by a Sardinian theater company of a show to be staged in the cities of Cagliari, Nuoro, Milan and Rome. The work will have as its theme ``The Deledda woman in a male society`` and will be broadcast live and on-demand also on the ItsART platform.
Creation of a celebratory mural inside the town of Galtellì. The activity is carried out with the collaboration of the municipality of Galtellì and the Grazia Deledda literary park.
The publication will be enriched with images and photos of the locations of her novels and the covers of her books, with external curators and contributions.
Commemorative volume of the figure of Grazia Deledda
Creation of a commemorative volume on the figure of the writer``as a contemporary woman``, dedicated to her personality and her life path, exploring the characteristics that made her the only Italian writer to have received a Nobel Prize for Literature.The publication will be enriched with images and photos of the locations of her novels and the covers of her books, with external curators and contributions.

May - September 2022
May - September 2022
International events
A representative mission will be carried out in Brussels, at the European Parliament, for the presentation of the project “150 years of Grace. A woman of our times ``and the rich package of events and initiatives planned as part of the celebrations for the 150th anniversary of the birth of the Nobel Prize writer. The activity includes:• an introductory press conference;
• a session to present the program of celebrations in the hemicycle of the Parliament, in the presence of the deputies and the President of the European Parliament.

International events
Implementation of two cultural and conference events, aimed not only at promoting the literary heritage bequeathed to us by Deledda but also at the systematic and innovative review of the Deleddiana work, with the participation of leading experts from the Italian and European academy. Specifically, the following will be implemented:• an international and introductory event at the Swedish Academy, a prestigious venue for the Nobel Prize in literature;
• an event in Stockholm, at the Italian Cultural Institute. The proceedings of the two conferences will be officially published and, together with a selection of Deleddian novels and short stories, sent to the headquarters of the Dante Alighieri Society present all over the world, to promote knowledge and dissemination of the works of the Nuorese writer.

The publication of a text by Grazia Deledda in the Sardinian language will be curated.
Fiction readers
The purpose of the activity is to organize a reading club dedicated to Grazia Deledda, a space in which to discuss and discuss her works, scheduling the reading of one of her books on a monthly basis. In parallel, the reading club will be able to meet in online meeting sessions, created with the webinar format, in which passionate readers from all over Italy and the world can participate.
Goodreads ( is the largest worldwide platform that brings together readers of fiction, with about 90 million users worldwide and about 15,000 in Italy. It is connected to the Amazon store and allows you to organize clubs and reading challenges, creating a community of readers from different countries.The purpose of the activity is to organize a reading club dedicated to Grazia Deledda, a space in which to discuss and discuss her works, scheduling the reading of one of her books on a monthly basis. In parallel, the reading club will be able to meet in online meeting sessions, created with the webinar format, in which passionate readers from all over Italy and the world can participate.

Films and documentaries
The creation of a cycle of film and documentary screenings dedicated to the life and works of the writer is expected: an itinerant review that will take place in Nuoro and Cagliari
As part of the celebrations for the 150th anniversary of the birth of Grazia Deledda, the Baby Film production company is planning the production of the film``Grazia`` dedicated to the writer's youth. Interpreted in the Nuorese dialect and directed by the director Paola Columba.
The activities and products created will be collected and enhanced within a dedicated portal and on social networks.
Interactive and collaborative learning within schools, through which to make Grazia Deledda known and loved by young people. The intent is to enhance the life and works of the Nobel Prize writer in schools and universities, the initiative involves the creation of a cycle of participatory workshops, organized on the basis of the different age groups of the students, in collaboration with the Institutions. schools and with the foundations that deal with training in the regional and national territory. To carry out the activities, an educational-laboratory kit will be prepared which will be sent in advance to the participating schools and universities via email.The activities and products created will be collected and enhanced within a dedicated portal and on social networks.

Flashmob in costume
Realization of a flashmob event in costume to be carried out simultaneously in several places in a city (Nuoro or Cagliari or Rome). Actors in period costumes will stage pictures of urban social life in public places: walking, sitting at a bar, chatting in the square.
The places of the writer
The``Places of Grace`` map will be incorporated into the web portal and made a tool available for shared implementation by users and enthusiasts.
The mapped places will therefore recreate an itinerary along which it will be possible to retrace the streets crossed and told by the writer.
The user will be offered a unique experience of imaginative immersion: listening to the narrations in the places that set the scene for the songs. Users will be able to query Alexa (Amazon's voice assistant, with geo-referenced content) and ask to find out the nearest place to listen to a song; or, knowing that you are already in a Deleddian place, ask to listen to the piece or pieces associated with that place. At least 50 songs will be chosen between Sardinia and Rome to offer an ideal sonic journey between the author's works and life. The audiotelling path will also be accessible within the web portal and made a tool available for shared implementation by users and enthusiasts.
Through the Google My Maps application, it is planned to create a personalized map that will identify the places narrated by the writer in her works and those that have characterized her life, enriching the summary mirrors with details, verses from the books. inside of which that precise place is mentioned, photos and videos. It will be made in Italian and English.The``Places of Grace`` map will be incorporated into the web portal and made a tool available for shared implementation by users and enthusiasts.
The mapped places will therefore recreate an itinerary along which it will be possible to retrace the streets crossed and told by the writer.
The user will be offered a unique experience of imaginative immersion: listening to the narrations in the places that set the scene for the songs. Users will be able to query Alexa (Amazon's voice assistant, with geo-referenced content) and ask to find out the nearest place to listen to a song; or, knowing that you are already in a Deleddian place, ask to listen to the piece or pieces associated with that place. At least 50 songs will be chosen between Sardinia and Rome to offer an ideal sonic journey between the author's works and life. The audiotelling path will also be accessible within the web portal and made a tool available for shared implementation by users and enthusiasts.

ADV Google e Doodle
Google creates a custom logo for its home page for general interest events and celebrations. The Doodles then allow you to deepen the theme of the anniversary with a simple click and the opening of an explanation page, which often becomes the subject of conversation on social networks and blogs on the web. Already in 2017, on the occasion of the celebrations for the 90th anniversary of the awarding of the Nobel Prize, dedicated a personalized Doodle to the Sardinian writer, telling her story. On the occasion of the celebrations of the 150th anniversary of her birth, the project team will submit a specific request to Google with the aim of commemorating again by sharing this anniversary with web users, throughout Italy and beyond. In parallel, a targeted Google ADV campaign will be developed.
Il percorso espositivo permetterà di ammirare opere originali, appositamente create per l’occasione, unite da un fil rouge tematico che fa riferimento al racconto della vita e delle opere di Grazia Deledda, nonché al territorio sardo e nuorese che ha ispirato le ambientazioni dei racconti della scrittrice. La mostra si candida, in questo senso, a caratterizzarsi come un vero e proprio “biglietto da visita” del territorio e della cultura isolana, con un preciso focus sul Nuorese.
Sarà allestito un percorso espositivo e immersivo, una vera e propria mostra realizzata presso i tre principali gli aeroporti dell’Isola rivolta ai passeggeri in arrivo e in partenza dagli scali aeroportuali sardi.Il percorso espositivo permetterà di ammirare opere originali, appositamente create per l’occasione, unite da un fil rouge tematico che fa riferimento al racconto della vita e delle opere di Grazia Deledda, nonché al territorio sardo e nuorese che ha ispirato le ambientazioni dei racconti della scrittrice. La mostra si candida, in questo senso, a caratterizzarsi come un vero e proprio “biglietto da visita” del territorio e della cultura isolana, con un preciso focus sul Nuorese.

Themed events to promote gender equality through the figure of Grazia Deledda. The action, managed by the Equality Councilor of the Province of Nuoro, provides for the holding of two conferences in Nuoro and Lanusei focusing on the figure of Grazia Deledda and the role of women in society. Established and prominent local entrepreneurs and / or figures who, with their activities, have distinguished themselves in various fields at national and international level will be invited to participate.
Design competition
Implementation of a design competition aimed at Sardinian clubs present on the national territory aimed at presenting projects that involve the implementation of activities to commemorate and celebrate the figure of Grazia Deledda.
Territorial actions